Notes, audio, and video for every service.
“A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.” Theodore Roosevelt

Abide In His Love
We have talked about The Father’s great love for the Son and the Son’s great love for His disciples. Jesus told His disciples that just as the Father had loved the Son, so had He loved them. We talked about the great and incomprehensible love that the Father has for the Son and the Son’s love for His disciples.

Stay Connected to Christ in 2022
Jesus is the True (or real) Vine, the One — Who is the source of spiritual and eternal life. If anyone wants to connect with God so that they can know and live for Him, it can only happen through our close dependence upon Him and fellowship with Him, just as a vine grows because it is attached to the roots of the grapevine, John 15:1-2.